"plz stop this type of attitude if u want d band to succeed."
today mr koh came to band prac.i knew he was really disappointed.he said d teacher told him late abt our prac during hols."i canceled my othr session wit another school 2 come to cbn.n c d amount of ppl tht came to bnd."
than he went on talking abt othr schools like kuen cheng n sultanah asma n etc.he said they hv more n longer prac than us n kedatangan is always 90% above.
im also vy tired ady.cm 2 bnd to c only d same faces.its not fair u noe.u x pity ke ur section?if ur a senior,u x kesian ke ur junior left all alone?n if ur a junior,u x kesian ur senior came to teach u but u x dtg.
n also x kesian mr koh.he's so caring 4 d bnd n wants to c us succeed but we ourselves dont want to work.u noe wat he suggested?
"im gonna tell d teacher,if u ppl dont change especially in kehadiran,close d band.than aftr 2,3 years,start again."
i agree coz if u open back,only d semangat ones will join.so not much problems will occur.but by d time d band reopens,i probably finish school ady.
"be more serious"
he was saying when d bnd 1st batch practiced,they were vy serious.in 6 month can play 3rd level score.in a year can 2,3 octives ady.he also said we hv vy low standart of seniors.n by being more serious in bnd,we can save time.
"kick out d ppl tht 3 times x dtg bnd"
this is so true.i mean,when i was in koperasi we did this.i was d 1 tht suggested it coz kehadiran was so bad.
"try to get miss choo back"
f.y.i.,miss choo used to b d bnd teacher.mr koh said dulu not so much problems coz miss choo is vy strict.i noe coz she teaches math 4 level 2 n they say she damn garang man.
"denda if do salah"
like if u r sms-ing during bnd or something like tht,d senior can ask tht person to run d field or something like tht.he said its also good 4 stamina.
plz la cm 4 bnd.dont b so selfish.u guys keep on 4getting convent bukit nanas band,individually unique together complete,rational unity unemosional steadfast.
Anak Pertama
2 months ago