i vy x puas hati u noe.we,d f3,baru aftr sports day,baru nk catch up,suddenly we all hv 2 sit 4 d bloody diagnostik.hello,they x de hati ke?so kesian us,terutama bnd ppl,we baru nk catch up,tetibe its xm time ady.than when our marks suck,u ppl scold us.hmwk x siap,u ppl ugut wanna denda us.
u ppl r so smart.
oh,n to make things better,cg is d opening act 4 some international band thing.n guess when is it?next sat.n they practice during diagnostik week.SO UNFAIR.I WANNA CRY.sabar je la.some more they get new baju.why my nasib so malang one?
haiz.this sat is bnd cmp.gud luck 2 those tht r entering.i mcm vy mls nk go but i wanna c vi's n sji's cg.wanna c how gud they r.n i so long x dgr bagpipe.hehe.
im so blur nowadays.n im not feeling well.n i dunno if i shud use d bnd money to buy bag,clothes,keep it or bayar hutang?haizzzzzzzzzzz.2day 1st time eat korea food.its so nice man.but d kimchi make me sakit perut la.n d tea makes me dizzy.besides tht all nice la. =D
im so tension rite now.i want a kiss frm shin.n a hug frm yi ling.WAHAHAHA.
Anak Pertama
2 months ago
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