last friday (20/07)
was d official last day of d f5 this year..
felt like crying..
i mean...
they r d 1st senior batch tht i was kinda close too..
n it feels weird thinking tht they wont b here next year...
doing formation n practicing 2gthr..
wah..bnd witout yiling n her gang...
doesnt feel like band..
but wat 2 do rite..
ira is d new president..
i agree wit d result of tht..
if she can tingkatkan prestasi cg,4 sure she can tingkatkn bnd oso..
merdeka will b her last time 2 perform as cg..
coz she will b dm..
oh n she said "i hope we can work 2gthr 4 band comp 2008"
yes..definitely i will work hard 4 tht..
but i wont play cg..will b playing euph..
coz i hv a vision 2 mantapkn d brass section..
so i want 2b apart of d brass section 4 bnd comp 08..
lagi pun if i entr bnd comp nxt year,it will b my 1st time coz
f1-wasnt in bnd yet
f2-cg x entr bnd comp
f3-cbnb didnt take part
so i will work freakin hard 4 nxt year..
im not entring merdeka..
i made a deal wit my parents..
d deal is
mom:u dont entr merdeka
dad:aftr pmr,u may go 2 bnd
me:i dont care,aftr pmr,evn during puasa i will go 2 bnd.dont harapkn me 2 blk kg if there is bnd.if bnd got nite prac or watever,im goin
dad:aiya,u sleep in d band room oso i dont care long as its aftr pmr
they sudah setuju..
so do expect me 2 cm 4 all pracs..
except if i fall sick..
man..i cant wait 4 bnd season..
i saw asma at youtube ady..
sis:y guys wear purple?so pondan-ish
me:this is asma k..
sis:like omg THEY ARE GIRLS?cm lets join their school
then my sis ask a really gud ques..
sis:*sigh*when is cbn gonna entr nat comp n b mantap like tht?
i didnt evn try 2 answer tht..
yesterday was cg audition..
nw i noe hw our last time instructor felt..
like terseksa man..
7 were chosen..
my sis,sadly,wasnt 1 of them..
i told her 2 work hard n improve her studies so tht nxt year she can entr..
ok..nw abt something thts nt band..
i juz found out tht animals get period 2..
fren:my puppy got period yesterday..
fren:u duno animals cn period oso?
me:duno la.i pernah had a pet fish do they like wear a special pad?
fren:WAHAHAHAHA....-_-....dong,they lick it k.. recycle..
fren:*thinks 4 awhile*...WAHAHAHA..irisyah,u do not fail 2 amuse me everytime..
i think im gona google abt it..if got tyme la..
transformers if freaking gempak!!!
better than harry potter 10000000000000000 times..
me heart bumblebee.
alala.hes so cute.
k.better stop crapping nw.
till i find something amusing to crap abt.
Anak Pertama
2 months ago
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