i was watching a story called beyong 2mr,n some car company has created a car designed by these teens hu won a contest.
the company wanted 2 create a car 4 d future so they chose teens 2 design it n ask them wt they wanted.
the car s pretty cool.
it doesnt use a key,but some smart card tht only d owner cn use.once u enter d car n put d key card in,d car will straight away do evythg tht suits u such as d sitting position,radio station etc.u cn program it.
theres also a screen where u cn chat wit ur frens hu also hv d same car model.
d car also noes if ur a new or experienced driver.
it also will noe d speed limit at tht current place ur at.
so it will straight away put a limit so it wont let u go past d limit la.
its kinda cool.it cost 2 million.haha.
mayb it ll b cheaper in d future.
am vy bored nw.
at sch 2dy d spm candidates gt pencils n calendar frm d sch.
i rly didnt do nytg 2dy.
help my teacher do d borang 001,which is a form where i hv 2 fill in d marks.
am getting used 2 doing teachers work.she shud pay me.hehe.
d borang also has a section where u hv 2 fill d hobby n ambition of d students.
i had fun wit tht.
i put hobbies tht i noe they dont do.
like fishing,sewing..i ws gna put somethg bad like melepak but later i scrd teacher marah.
n d ambition part...hahaha.
i put petani,penyanyi..
aftr recess seriously didnt noe wt 2 do.
i found some f4 text books.
est is weird.
i read d text book n inside gt stuff like spyware...
d size of d virus vs d size of a bacterium
thn read bukit kepong.
i only managed 2 read d 1st page.
than sleep.
than wake up n looked at my maths hmwk.
serious shit i 4gt hw 2 do dy.
i ws looking at d ques n im like 'which form did i learn this?'
gud thg x throw away my books yet.
than berjalan-jalan.
saw d f5s taking pic.
yi ling s so creative.
i mean,hw she take pic.
i had a nice time looking at her take pic.
thn stared at d wall.
thn blk!
bt guess wt,my adik left me.
i met her at d canteen,n ws gna blk whn she said
'goin 2 swim wit my frens.thn goin klcc.u blk 1st'
like wt je.
if i knew i wld hv made plans myself.
n she said she ll blk at 5,at last blk at almost 8.
x kena marah pun.
whn i blk at 7 my parents so marah 1.
theres this cool website called how stuff works.
i learn alot of thgs.
like y we fall in love.
n asal usul vampire.
n hw d brain works.
n y we cant make water.
did u noe tht we fall in love 2 ensure our population continues?
at 1st i ws like kinda shocked bt there is logic 2 it.
i mean, if we dont hv interest in d opposite sex,therefor we wont fall in love.
thn 4 sure la if we dont fall in love,thn we wont do nytg wit them.
so humans also die out la.
kinda interestin rly.
oh n i learn d chemical reactions tht take place in d body whn we're in love.
our body s way complex.
d url is http://howstuffworks.com
my sc teacher introduced it 2 me.
k la.
im gna read on panic rooms nw.
c ya.
Anak Pertama
2 months ago
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