so long x blog.
fin pmr dy.
i feel like a bird.
bebas dy.
pity d f5 n upper 6
spm n stpm..
do ur best..
so many thgs happen.
on d last day of pmr..
d last paper fin at 9 somethg..
thn some frens n i went roller blading..
ling sue teach me once je thn i help her to teach d rest..
omg so byk kali jatuh..
but tht time x rasa sakit..
iuno y..
mayb cz i wasnt caring abt d pain..
just wanted 2 hv fun..
bt d next day aftr i woke up..
i rmbr it took me some time 2 get up..
n had to walk rly slow..
thn i rmbr had to stil go 2 sch aftr pmr cz gt robotics..
n u think i ll ponteng gile2 la..
thn pn selvi put my name in debate..
our motion was "single session sch is better thn double session sch"
jo,pepe n i were on d opposition side..
d teacher say v got alot of points compared to our oppponents..
bt our opponents delivered their points better..
so they won..
act rite,v dowan win pun..
too malas to go finals..
our motto on tht day ws to 'speak to lose'
thn we had class jamuan.
on 5/11.
as my lovely classmates x bayar yuran pun..
so i suggested to d teacher tht v buy our own food at d canteen n eat there je la.
bt she felt sory 4 us.
so she cook pasta 4 us.
so baik la.
i rmbr bein vy mls to party at 1st n i ws jz planning 2 sleep aftr i eat bt than d chinese gang make me freaking mabuk n i cldnt stop laughing.
haih.un-becoming of a cbner.
siva bersara 2dy.
siva.d siva tht ws in cbn 4 17 years.
d siva tht had such an aura tht only us cbners felt.
she ws evn in sch whn my kakak ws in sch.
wil miss her.
she tegur me whn i ws walking n drinking at d same time.
"ketua tingkatan some this hw u become a cth 2 ur classmates?"
i ws gna reply "my classmates bully me n c me as a maid" whn another teacher cm 2 talk 2 her.
oh she also tegur me whn i lost rm50.
my fren gave it to me to gv 2 teacher bt i went bnd n totally 4gt abt d money.
i jz put it undr d desk.
when i cm bck d envelope tht d money ws suppost 2 b in ws empty.
cldnt do a spotcheck as tht time blk dy.
oh n i byk kali entr office n she wld ask me to take a file 4 her undr her table or d lowest drawer.she mls wna tunduk. kenangan.
n act d longer i see her face,d more i thnk tht shes kinda pretty.
nyway bnd play d song 4 her.
act only 1 song,bt repeat 1000 times.
i mean frm d strt of her saying bye 2 teachers (all teachers,pagi n ptg..u do d counting) till she naik car n wave.
i x sempat say bb 2 her pun.
4sure she ll come bck.
cbn cnt,i mean wont,survive witout her.
i play byk wrong note..n got 1 time tersesat.
we were playing thn suddenly melody stopped.
base n perc je main.
thn we stop.
ashee ws like sape suro stop?
fara pulak say she penat.
so had 2 strt all ovr again.
like wt je kn?
they say nxt year hanizah (pk 1) will bersara.
iuno abt tht la.
bt confirm whn im f5 ann khoo will say bye.
btw nancy s taking siva's job.
like x sesuai je.
i wld rather like choo 2 take.
bt they ikut kedudukan pangkat.
norrizan nk dkt bersara,see tho pindah..
so left nancy je.
nancy doesnt sound like a disiplin teacher.
sounds more like a nanny.
d type tht wld cook u cookies n read u story books before u sleep.
n knit sweaters 4 u.
im watching 2 much drama.
fin reading harry potter 7 dy.
2 much dying.
plot not bad la.
i dont undrstnd y potter chose ginny.
i rather choose luna.
bt my fave s still prisoner of azkaban.
i love dementors.
congrats 2 hanan (naik pangkat) n sara.
may u hv happy times being org gaji.slash tht.u dont evn get gaji.
k la.
my tgn pain dy.
n i thnk my post s long enuf 2 last a few weeks.
til i write again.
Anak Pertama
2 months ago
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